Common Causes for Winter Roof Damage in Downriver Michigan

Winter weather is not kind to our roofs. The variation in just what all winter brings to the table surely can put your roof through the ringer! If you’re not prepared, any form of the weather winter brings can wreak havoc on your roof. Here are just some of the effects winter weather can have on your roof and more importantly what you can do about it. Having a roofing contractor in Downriver Michigan inspect your roof for any problems can help to identify any potential problems that you may have with your roof and is always advised. However, if any of these problems exist it’s always best to call a roofer that is fully qualified in roof repairs.

Common Causes for Winter Roof Damage in Downriver Michigan

  1. Ice Dams – Ice dams form when snow melts and refreezes in sheets on the roof. These can be common in places that see a lot of snowfall. Water can pool behind these, causing the potential for it to seep into cracks in the roof and get into your home. Any sort of water damage can be devastating if left unnoticed. Water damage can lead to mildew and mold problems if there is a small leak that grows over time. If there is a large leak, then the water damage can cause quite a bit of problems in your roof and home.

Common Causes for Winter Roof Damage in Downriver Michigan

  1. Condensation – While condensation is inevitable, too much of it can be due to poor ventilation and preparation. Condensation occurs when warm air meets a cool surface, so this can happen when your roof and attic are not well insulated. This can lead to mold and mildew, causing quite a bit of damage if left unnoticed.
  1. Tree Damage – Trees are nice but they tend to come with the risk for inflicting roof damage with winter weather. If you have overhanging limbs, they can scrape at your roof and cause damage to the outermost layer – the layer that protects the home the most! You also have the risk of heavy branches falling on your roof and causing significant damage.
  1. Strong Winds – With the change in temperature and wind directions, winter can bring quite the battle of strong winds through. Strong winds can really wear on your roof’s strength. If it’s strong enough, the wind can even lift shingles that are loose and rip them from your roof. Keep an eye out for this so that you can make repairs as soon as the issues are found to prevent further damage.
  1. Leaking Flashing – With sloped roofs, flashing leaks can be quite common. Flashing can loosen up with storms and cause water leaks if gone undetected and if not fixed quickly. You should probably thoroughly check these twice a year to be sure that there are no problems that have come up from weather that’s passed through.
  1. Icicles – When you have an accumulation of snow or ice on your roof but there comes a sunny winter day, this will begin to melt and flow down your roof. Once this water hits the below freezing temperatures, it refreezes as it falls, forming icicles. While pretty and captivating, icicles can inflict a mess of problems onto your roof. They are often far heavier than you would imagine since they look so delicate. This will wear down your roof and can cause the potential for leaks to occur. If they form on your gutter system, the icicles would begin to pull it away from your roof, causing damage. In addition to the structural risks, icicles also pose a risk for being a danger to people and animals nearby.

Believe it or not, any of these can do some significant damage to your roof if you haven’t taken the measures to properly protect your roof. Make sure you conduct the necessary and regular maintenance on your roof to ensure it will keep your home safe for years to come. A little bit of proactive work can really make the difference in you spending a little on upkeep versus spending a lot on repairs.

If you are unsure if your roof is ready for the winter season be sure to call the roofing experts at Downriver Roofers at 734-548-9919. They can inspect your roof and make any roof repairs that are needed. Plus, they also offer free estimates!